October 20, 2014

Mystery Skype Hooks Another Group

Last week we did our first Mystery Skype of the year. It was awesome to meet Elyse Marsh's fifth graders in New Castle, Delaware. This location presented an extra challenge because the Delaware map in our class atlas has only 3 cities, none of which are New Castle. I found myself running around to other classrooms trying to scrounge up some additional digital devices so that every group had access to a complete Delaware map.

Every Mystery Skype we improve our practice and learn new things.
Things We Did Well
* Finally figured out how to keep the Messengers organized
* Every group had lots of maps. Our questions and answers were better, as a result
* The webcam & questions doc team worked seamlessly together

Things To Improve
* Still trying to figure out how many people to have in each group
* The digital maps group was SO slow!
* We liked how Ms. Marsh's entire class answered the question together

Below is a gallery of photos taken by our student photographer, Jacob.

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